Today we used different tools to create new tool for that children may use in some computer programs. It uses different objects to work and our group decided to use paper. Here are some photos on how we had maximized the tool. 

Makey Makey

    Makey Makey is a fun tool that creates a new computer part that is ideal to use when children need to learn something. If the children needs to learn something about directions, fruits, or anthing in general, it is beneficial because the teacher could just connect the things that they need to learn in the cables and explain to the children how they should be used in a game or function. With this, the child had fun whilst exploring more things. It is also a fun way to introduce educational computer games to children that would give them more satisfaction and educational benefits after.


    Cubetto is another fun tool that could help the children learn in a more fun and exciting way. In here, the children could learn sequencing and directions easily. However, they would first need to figure out what the different blocks mean, especially the blue one. Once they got the hang of it, they could easily transfer the robot from a place to another. Which ever they desire or which ever the teacher instructed them to.


    Matatalab is another tool that could help the children understand diretions further. However, it has more functions and blocks than Cubetto. As much as the children could guide its robot into going tto different directions, it could also make music and make it dance. Like Cubetto, it could also make loops and the children could just put the number of movements that they want under each block. 
