Solar System

The Solar System

    Hello! Welcome to another blog post. Today, I'm going to give examples of contents from the Internet that are considered as free contents and I am going to explain why based on their licenses.
    When browsing the World Wide Web, there are many things that we can see and many things that we can do. These could be called contents and these contents are protected by licences in order to protect the Intellectual and Insdustrial Property that was published. These licenses could be associated to copyrights and creative commons. In oder to know if a website, file, photo, or anything under the web is available to reproduction, one must look at the terms and conditions of the license and look if it doesn't violate any copyright law as well. 

a. Link to a post or article (from a blog or web)

Web view of the link

    Britannica is an example of a website that produces free contents that are available for anyone to use. Howeber, keep in mind that it is only for personal and non-commercial use. According to it's use of content condition, in order to use their contents, the person should not remove or alter any copyright, trademark, service mark and the likes. Any usage beyond personal or non-commercial use should be with a permission from the site and non-compliance may have one be subjected to timprisonment or the right ammendment according to the copyright laws of the country which the offender is from.
    In order to find this source, I searched  "solar system" site: at Google search. The author of the web article is Tobias Chant Owen. I think it is a relevant source for the topic of solar system as it provides brief information about the solar system which can be used as a starting material of the teacher or the student to understand the topic further. Also, it is a good source as it was facked-checked.

b. One slide or document (PDF, DOC, etc.)

    This source was found by searching "solar system" type:pdf. It is a pdf of a book entitled Our Solar Sytem - Ancient Worlds, New Discoveries by Deborah Scherrer. It is a good source for the topic of solar system because it has information about the different planets there as well as other matters in the system like the sun, moons, and others. It could be a relevant source for presenting such ideas to children. Furthermore, in the second page of the book, "© 2013-2020 Stanford University; permission given to use for educational and non-commericial purposes." could be found. Hence, as this site is of educational and non-commercial usage of the information of the book, hence, it is free to use.

c. One image

    This is image was found through searching solar system in Google Search Images and checking the Creative Commons licenses.


    According to the website, the image has a Public Domain License. Hence, it has no copyright. It could be copied, modified, distributed and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, without the person asking permission from the original uploader.
    This image could contribute to the children's learning of the solar system as they can easily figure out the planets that compose it and have a brief idea of how big they are in comparison with each other through this picture.
